Online Dialogue: Women‘s Leadership and Empowerment/オンライン鼎談:女性のリーダーシップとエンパワーメント
※配信動画は英語のみです。日本語版テキストは東京都のウェブメディア”TOKYO UPDATES”の下記リンクからご覧いただけます。※動画配信と同時に公開となります。
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※TMC:東京都メディアセンター(Tokyo Media Center)の略称。東京2020大会において取材活動を行う国内外メディアの取材拠点として都が設置。
We will be streaming an online talk with Governor Koike, Ms. Kathy Matsui and Ms. MURAKAMI Yumiko for members of the media around the world via the Tokyo Media Center platform. The theme is “Women‘s Leadership and Empowerment: Challenges from Japan’s Ranking as 120th in the World.”
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A transcript of this TMC Talk is available at:
*Link will go live when streaming begins.
*Some quotes have been paraphrased.
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*The Tokyo Media Center (TMC) is operated by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government virtually and on-site. TMC serves as a media coverage base for domestic and international media during the Olympic and Paralympic Games Tokyo 2020.