公開日 2020.03.114.9万回再生

Mira(i)cle FUKUSHIMA 360°VR

見て体感! 福島の復興
東京都では、東日本大震災被災地を訪れることができない方々にも被災地の復興遂げつつあ る姿を臨場感をもって疑似体験いただける360度VR動画を制作しました。ぜひご覧いただき、被災地への理解・共感とともに、東京2020大会の理念である「復興オリンピック・パラリンピック」を実感してください。
Watch and Experience! Reconstruction of FUKUSHIMA
The Tokyo Metropolitan Government has created a 360-degree VR video that allows people who cannot visit the disaster-stricken area of the Great East Japan Earthquake to experience the revival of the disaster-stricken area with a sense of reality. Please take a look and enjoy the understanding and sympathy of the disaster-stricken area, as well as the “Reconstruction Olympics and Paralympics”, the philosophy of the Tokyo 2020 Games.

○請戸漁港 (福島県浪江町)
Ukedo Fishing Port (Fukushima pref. Namie Town)
In February 2017, a part of the quay was restored at the Ukedo fishing port, which was severely damaged by the Great East Japan Earthquake, and fishing boats returned just six years after the disaster. In November 2019, a facility for auctions of landed seafood will be completed, and auctions will resume in April 2020. It is hoped that the town will return to liveliness.

○いわき・ら・ら・ミュウ (福島県いわき市)
Iwaki Lalamew (Fukushima pref. Iwaki City)
『いわき・ら・ら・ミュウ』は、「いわきのいいものぜんぶある。」をキャッチフレーズに、魚屋、物販、飲食などの各ゾーンからなる観光物産センターです。小名浜港で水揚げされた魚介類を中心に、市場感覚でお買物をしていただけたり、新鮮な海の幸をふんだんに使ったお食事をお楽しみいただけます。 東日本大震災では津波被害により1階部分がほぼ壊滅しました。施設2階の「ライブいわきミュウじあむ」では、いわき市の歴史や観光、都市交流などとともに、震災の記憶を展示しています。
Iwaki Lalamew" is a tourism and product center that consists of various zones such as a fish shop, a merchandise store, and a restaurant with the catchphrase "There are all the good things in Iwaki." You can shop for fish and shellfish caught at Onahama Port with a market-like feel, and enjoy a meal that uses plenty of fresh seafood. In the Great East Japan Earthquake, the first floor was almost destroyed by the tsunami. "Live Iwaki Mewjiam" on the second floor of the facility displays the history of Iwaki City, sightseeing, urban exchange, and memories of the earthquake.

○ナショナルトレーニングセンター Jヴィレッジ (福島県楢葉町・広野町)
National Training Center J-VILLAGE (Fukushima pref. Naraha Town & Hirono Town)
J-VILLAGE has been used by many teams since its opening as Japan’s first football national training center, including training camps for the World Cup Soccer National Team. Following the Great East Japan Earthquake, operations were suspended as a base for the convergence of the disaster and the accompanying nuclear power plant accident.However, the role was completed in July 2018, and full operations resumed in April 2019. J-VILLAGE is a symbol of Fukushima Prefecture’s revival, and the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Torch Relay will start on March 26, 2020 at J-VILLAGE.
