
COVID-19 State of Emergency Now in Effect : A message from the Governor of Tokyo (March 12th 2021)

A state of emergency remains in effect for Tokyo.
I understand that the people and businesses of Tokyo have been under great strain for the duration of this time.
I would like to thank each and every one of you for your continued cooperation.
Thanks to your efforts, Japan has had fewer cases and deaths than many other countries around the world.
However, the decline in the number of cases seems to be bottoming out.
And, the health care system has been under ongoing pressure for an extended period of time.
The situation remains very serious.
A rebound in COVID-19 infections is an important concern.
We must also respond to the threat of variants and promote a smooth rollout of the vaccine.
In addition, to ease the burden on health care workers,
who continue bravely fighting COVID-19 at this very moment, it is now necessary for us to intensify our efforts.
The Tokyo Metropolitan Government will enhance monitoring systems to curb the spread of COVID-19 variants and closely partner with relevant organizations to prepare for the next stage of the battle against this invisible enemy to ensure that the vaccination process advances smoothly.
With these points in mind, I hope that you will go back to the basics of infection prevention, and continue taking basic steps to protect yourself and others.
Please refrain from non-essential outings and dining in groups.
And, make full use of remote work and other systems.
Let’s join together and do all that we can to put a stop to the spread of infection now.
Your continued cooperation will be greatly appreciated.
