
[Tokyo Financial Award 2018] 1st Place: justInCase, Inc.

We are pleased to introduce the proposal of “justInCase, Inc.”, that is the 1st place winner of the “Resolution of Tokyo Residents’ Needs Category” in the Tokyo Financial Award 2018.

This movie was shown at award ceremony on February 5, 2019.

*The Tokyo Metropolitan Government (TMG) launched the Tokyo Financial Award in 2018.
In the Resolution of Tokyo Residents’ Needs Category, the TMG recognizes both Japanese and foreign financial companies developing and providing innovative financial instruments and services that help meet the needs of Tokyo residents.

Tokyo Financial Award website: https://finaward.metro.tokyo.jp/en/

[Insurance] Filing for insurance claims is inconvenient

Submission Outline
・Provides insurance products for smartphone at a low price, with services to complete procedures ranging from applications to claim filing via smartphone app
・Has already developed products such as one-day injury insurance coverage (such as riders for heatstroke). The company aims to cover claims within 90 seconds via an in-app chatbot
・Going forward, the range of insurance products will be expanded in cooperation with respective businesses
