海ごみを減らすために私たちが出来ること- by Kids from Tokyo & NY
東京とニューヨークの小学生とともに「海ごみ」について学ぶショートムービー(制作 東京都)
Watch this video to see how 4th graders in Tokyo and New York City worked on reducing marine litter, and exchanged ideas how to tackle this global problem. These 4th graders from different part of the globe found out that both places have the same problem, and discussed via video chat how they can make a difference! Don't miss the message from Yuriko Koike, the Governor of Tokyo at the end of the video! Produced by Tokyo Metropolitan Government.
ショートムービーを授業でご活用していただくための、指導用ガイド (東京都環境局HP)